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Welcome to the Expert Witness Journal issue 56
  • Jul 29, 2024
  • Latest News

In this issue we cover experts who operate in the non-medical area.

These areas of expertise cover a vast area of specialism including; engineering, construction work, building surveys, environmental issues, forensics, accountancy and many more.

Engineering services are featured with, ‘Regulatory Assurance, a Step Up From Compliance’, in this joint article, Senior Consultants and Expert Witnesses Tom Leach and Richard Hoyle from Finch Consultants discuss the difference between compliance and regulatory assurance and the responsibilities of owner and duty holders to ensure the suitability of equipment and safety of their employees. Elsewhere, Jack Huang, Ph.D, Envista Forensics explains how to ‘Navigate the Complexities of Material Failures’. ‘Should a Planning Authority Consider Indirect GHG Emissions’ by Matt Ösund-Ireland .

Anderson Wilde & Harris detail how to navigate the intricate landscape of dilapidations claims in ‘Navigating Expert Evidence in Built Environment Cases’.

Accountancy is featured with ‘Scarcliffe v Brampton Valley Group Ltd’ by Expert Evidence. Along with articles on Crypto Assets, POCA and Seizure and Forfeiture of Listed Assets. Forensic science, and Transaction disputes by The Crowe Forensic Team.

Of interest to all instructors and experts are A Day in the Life of an Expert Witness Running their own Practice, Fiona Hotston Moore an accredited expert witness and forensic accountant takes us through her day. Also S-RM's Ryan Shields and Katarina Zotovic highlight four considerations when engaging an expert witness

Our next issue will be published in October 2024 and will be available at The Bond Solon Expert Witness Conference on November 8th, if you have a submission or article email us.

Chris Connelly