Cardiologist and General Physician
Chichester and surrounding areas
Dr Conrad Murphy is a Consultant Cardiologist, based at St Richard’s Hospital, Chichester.
He has an excellent knowledge of cardiology and general internal medicine. He has worked with PCT, CCG and local guidelines committees to develop protocols for common cardiac conditions. While at St Richard’s Dr Murphy has worked with colleagues to develop a comprehensive district general cardiology service, a transoesophageal service, coronary angiography, heart failure nurse clinics, an expanded cardiac rehabilitation service, a busy research program and a series of one-stop clinics.
Dr Murphy has provided regular medico-legal reports for a variety of cardiological issues. He is also a consultant appraiser, and has investigated and provided reports for serious complaints against members of staff.
He regularly keeps up to date with medical CPD and also other areas including management and medicolegal work in keeping with the scope of his position.
Oxford + Guy's